Wednesday, May 17, 2017

trump is toast

I lived through Watergate - 1973 to 1974. I was the first person in Alaska to see Nixon resign.

This Watergate 2 is going sooo much faster. Instead of 5 or 6 years of Nixon, we've got just months of trump.

In the last 8 days - DAYS! - we've seen
    electric testimony about General Flynn being toxic,
    FBI Director Comey being fired
    trump saying he fired Comey because of the Russia thing
    leaks about trump's administration, etc.
    a special prosecutor (Finally) appointed to investigate

Here's what I want:
    trump impeached, tried and convicted (or just trump resigns)

    trump criminally prosecuted for his crimes - he cannot
         just get a pass by resigning since he was president

    Pence being investigated as to what he knows - since he                might become President

    Investigation of Paul Ryan since he could be President

    Investigation of turtle-boy since he too could become                     President


    Investigation of everyone else like AG Sessions, etc. etc.

It is now apparent that the cancer of Russian collusion has tendrils that spread throughout the trump administration. We must demand that they are all rooted out and not glossed over. People with money and prestige seem to get away with a lot of things us normal citizens don't. Now is the time that this must stop.

The rule of law must be applied uniformly.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Comey Fired?

Didn't see this one coming.

Comey was  fired because he handled the Clinton email investigation badly? Whaaaaat ??

From the guy who reveled in news about Hilary Clinton's email server plight, I cannot believe he now is 'offended' at the handling of her case with the FBI.

No, that is complete BS - and by BS I mean BULLSHIT. No way the Hero of Clinton' Emails would be fired. Want more proof?

The Deputy FBI Directory was THE person in charge of the Hilary email investigation. He is NOW the Acting FBI Director. Does that make any effing sense?

There is NO proposed FBI Directory to take Comey's place. In a normal (normal is not this administration ...) replacement of FBI Director, the White House would have a proposed replacement in the works and at least his/her name put out there unofficially.

So this action has happened without prior planning and without any reasonable reason. The conclusion (logically from my point of view) is that the Rump Administration (I intended the 'typo')  has something to hide and they are doing a bad job hiding it.

I lived through the Watergate fiasco and THIS IS STARTING JUST LIKE WATERGATE. Sure there are differences. Nixon was not an idiot, the plot revolves around different initial illegal activities, yet the COVERUP is basically the same:

Stall stall stall
Silence the opposition
Remove players who can do bad things

Admit actions when they are outlined in the press (YAY PRESS!)

Give it up NOW mr. trump

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It is So Trumpian

You've seen it, all the Repub's  got on a bus to 

Wow, It reminded me of Julius Caesar marching into Rome. The Republic congressfolks that voted for the hateful ASAYSP bill (Ah, screw all you sick people),getting buses and going to the White House. But this time, instead of Julie advancing to take power, they were going to Der Presidente's castle to submit leige.

Wow, the whole freakin' Republic party kowtowing to a guy who doesn't even care. Doesn't even care (to imitate him).

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Run the Government like a business

I have heard Trumps supporters being interviewed for the '100 days' schtick. Some are happy that he is 'running the government like a business'.

From my perspective, that is not true. I believe he is running the government FOR business.

And by 'business' I mean BIG BUSINESS, International Corporations, the people who outsourced the jobs of many people who voted for Trump.  These are people who don't care about 'the little people'. These are people who give shitloads of money to candidates to do their will.

Government of the Money, By the Money, FOR the money. (tm)

Resist more military spendiing worldwide

Mr. Trump has called for our allies (NATO, South Korea, etc.) to increase their military spending since the US is paying so much to support them military. You'd think he would also be expecting to reduce our militrary spending too. But, nooooooooooooooo, he is proposing to increase it by 54 BILLION dollars. Why???

Why do we need to spend even MORE money if other nations are supposed to fork over more money to protect themselves?

I don't even think this thought train depends on whether you agree or disagree with other countries paying more. I think as a planet, we should try to reduce military spending planetwide.

So, if other NATO nations pay more for 'their' defense, why should the US increase its military spending? And, if NATO nations DON'T pay more, even then, why should we pay more?

Really, why should we be screwing kid's lunches up in either case?

Oh, wait, it couldn't be a way to enrich military contractors, could it?  Nah?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

None Dare Call It

Normally the final noun for 'None Dare Call It' would be 'Treason' but I'm now thinking there shouldn't be a word.

None Dare Call It Treason was an anti-Communist book by
John A. Stormer but that was so last century.

As we learn how stupid the president is - I am asking, when do we call it? So the shortend title is just None Dare Call It.

The current resaon to 'call it'  is how Trump called the Navy carrier group headed towards North Korea an 'Armada'. The problems with this are:
a) Armada refers to the Spanish Armada which FAILED.
b) It turns out the 'armada' (carrier group) was headed in the opposite direction - as if they had no idea they should be headed towards Korea.
c) Incompetence in internal affairs is one thing that we have to deal with as Americans, but international screwups just makes us look bad. #sad

So, again, I'm asking, when do you - the leaders of the House and Senate - when do you call it?

Do not let this global farce continue. The king has no clothes and you know it. You know it.

And yet you let it go on. Why do None Dare Call IT?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Tax Day for Trump

don Trump is hiding behind the lie that he can't release his tax returns because they are under audit. This is, of course, a lie. The real reason is that revealing his dealings (even if they were lawful for a private citizen) would cause him to be impeached.

The House of Representatives should question the head of the IRS. They should ask if the president needs to keep his tax returns secret because they are under audit. They should ask if his 2016 taxes are under audit.

The answers will be 'no'. Then the House should pass a law making it mandatory for Presidents and presidential candidates to release their tax returns. This law would include the current White House resident.

Then he could refuse and be impeached or comply and get impeached.

But the House won't do that because they are not yet ready to get rid of him. But the 2018 elections are fast approaching and that will cause the reps to worry. So stay tuned. This could get even more interesting.